Entering In

Revelation 21

As we come to the close of 2024 and enter into a new year, it occurred to me that I have written much about my father but very little of his last days on earth.  As he clearly and purposefully prepared for his transition into eternity, I thought it fitting to write a little about him on this last day of the year.

When my brother, sister, and I happened to be together for no particular reason about a year before his passing, my father announced that God had spoken to him quite clearly that he was to get rid of all his earthly possessions and prepare for Home.  Being a man of very humble means, my siblings and I were surprised to see him immediately distribute his funds to us, save for a little to support himself.

In the days that followed, he began to give away every little everything he owned, and he was quite joyful in doing so.  He washed the same garments each day and put them back on.  He would soon be going Home and there would be no need.

Upon his passing, August 7, 2024 at age 91, his bedroom contained only the following:  a borrowed bed, a borrowed dresser with scarcely an item in it, a chair, his Holy Bible, and pictures of his parents and my mother.  In his closet were a scant few items of clothing, and three neat boxes on the floor, housing old tax returns.  He had organized everything he owned in a living trust, and the man with barely two nickels to rub together had arranged blessing after blessing for those left behind him.  

And the greatest thing he gave away was the love of Jesus.  Every. Single. Day.

He continued to go and minister to people in the nursing home every Friday even though he, himself, was in hospice care at home.  His love demonstrated to us—overwhelming!  In life and in death this man, James Lindsey Nimmons, Jr., was a continuous example of Jesus, and he wasted nothing, dependent upon the voice and direction of Jesus.  Like Abraham, he believed God, and I have no doubt it was attributed to him as righteousness, too.

I wonder.

As you and I close one year and open the next, are we listening as intently to our Savior's voice each day?  Do we believe His voice when He speaks to us—for He DOES speak to us!  Or, are we dismissive of His voice, choosing instead our own way?

Romans 4:17 tells us, "That is what the Scriptures mean when God told him, “I have made you the father of many nations.” This happened because Abraham believed in the God who brings the dead back to life and who creates new things out of nothing" (NLT).

I pray you believe.

Happy New Year, Runners.


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