Watch Where You're Going

" There is a path before each person that seems right, but it ends in death."  Proverbs 14:12

We've probably all experienced it at one time or another . . . someone so involved texting that they bump into you, or cause an accident. 

"Watch where you're going!" We respond, sometimes audibly and sometimes not.

As children, our parents remind us repeatedly to watch where we're going.  We are often so excited or absorbed in our own thing that we fail to notice obstacles and others around us.  

I remember just such an incident in my own childhood.  My parents had reminded me over and over again to look both ways before crossing the street, and to always watch where I was going.  But, on this particular afternoon while the grown-ups stood talking in the front yard, I spied my brother and sister running across the street with some other children to play.  In my rush to follow them, I didn't watch where I was going and failed to see the car coming right toward me--too fast to stop.  The next thing I knew, my dad rushed out and scooped me up from the street, saving my life.  He held me so tight, and instead of scolding, he said, "You were in quite a hurry!"

The point was made--better than any scolding ever could--and it spoke love to me.

I think God is like that.  He lovingly scoops us up and out of messes--messes we make when we get in a hurry and don't watch where we're going.  Yet, when we do this time and time again, it is His love that allows us to learn the hard lesson--the lesson our stubborn wills refuse.

Paul instructed young Timothy in this regard when in 1 Timothy 4:16 he said, "Keep a close watch on how you live and on your teaching. Stay true to what is right for the sake of your own salvation and the salvation of those who hear you."

Someone is always watching where we go--whether we are or not.

Goodnight, Runners.


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