Day 26

"So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing."  1 Thessalonians 5:11

It was a good running day.  I made it a little farther than yesterday, at 1.22 miles, and my time was about the same.  I reflected on the last 26 days with much gratitude for what God was teaching me, and excited to keep it going!

So, I decided it was time to count my many blessings, naming them one by one.  And, ya know what?  It did surprise me what the Lord has done in my life.

I definitely ran out of breath before running out of blessings.

How about you?  Have you counted your blessings today?  Maybe it's time.

I'll leave you with a verse and a song:

"Dear brothers and sisters, I close my letter with these last words:  Be joyful.  Grow to maturity.  Encourage each other.  Live in harmony and peace.  Then the God of love and peace will be with you."  2 Corinthians 13:11

May you have the best Wednesday evening you've ever had in your life.


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