Of Milkshakes and Ministry

"Your heart should be holy and set apart for the Lord God. Always be ready to tell everyone who asks you why you believe as you do. Be gentle as you speak and show respect." 1 Peter 3:15

I love a good chocolate milkshake.  Don't you?

When I was a student at Baylor University, the Student Union Building housed a cafe called The Bear which created a masterpiece I personally dubbed the greatest chocolate milkshake on earth. 

It was during my second semester sophomore year that I began to dream about this eighty-nine-cent marvel of chocolate goodness.  Being a college student, my discretionary income was pretty much nonexistent. In fact, I had allotted myself a mere $10 per week for groceries, so it was some time before I was able to save up the necessary change to make my dream come true.  Finally, after weeks of scrimping even more than usual, the day arrived.

I walked into The Bear and ordered the chocolate milkshake.  I watched as they poured the chocolate syrup in the bottom of the metal cup.  Then, they swirled in some vanilla ice cream, lots of vanilla ice cream.  Finally, they added the milk and stirred it with their milkshake machine.  The man behind the counter poured the perfect milkshake into the paper cup, with chocolate syrup from the bottom dripping perfectly on the top of my dream.  I flashed a smile of satisfaction at the attendant as I paid the bounty and took my masterpiece.

Then, placing the straw in my perfect milkshake, I proceeded to take the biggest slurp I possibly could.  But, nothing came up!  I tapped the straw on the bottom, thinking perhaps the milkshake was too thick for the straw.  Still nothing.  I finally pulled the straw out only to realize there was a kink in it.  I replaced the straw and was able to fully enjoy the greatest chocolate milkshake on earth.

My friend, you and I are the straw in God's Good News message to the world.  Jesus Christ is the perfect milkshake.  If we aren't ready to share Him with those who are thirsty and desperately in need of Him, then we are the kinked straw.  If we are harboring sin in our lives, we are the kinked straw.  If we are ignoring the lost, we are the kinked straw.  And, there are too many souls who are desperate and dying to taste the goodness of our God for us not to get the kinks out.

Psalm 34:8 tells us to, "Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!"

May others taste the goodness of the Lord through your straw today.


Great devotional! Love the analogy. —-Tony

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