Graduation Day - A Letter for Meredith

The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.” Psalm 32:8

My firstborn child is graduating from high school.  Here is my letter for her, for Meredith:

Dear Meredith,

I dreamed about you from the time I was a little girl, wondering what you would be like, what your hair and eyes would look like. I asked God for you, and prayed that He would bless you long before you were even born.

After seven long years of hoping and praying, you finally arrived, and I had never seen anything more beautiful in all my life.

You were and are the promise of a dream fulfilled—not just for me, but I believe and know that God has a very special plan and purpose for your life. I believe He has chosen you—not just called you—for great things, though I have no idea what those things may be.

I am proud and happy to know the person you have become, and can’t wait to see the ways in which you will continue to grow.

As you turn the page from high school and begin a new chapter in your life, I hope you will remember to always keep God first place in your life, and consider the following advice from your momma bear:

1. Love deeply and unconditionally.

2. Always forgive.

3. Don’t let others define who you are.

4. Laugh often.

5. Pray always.

6. Read your Holy Bible daily.

7. Be kind.

8. Be courageous.

9. Be generous.

10. Be faithful.

11. Be honest.

12. Take calculated risks.

13. Practice good habits when you’re young and they will protect you when you’re old.

14. Be the best you that you can be.

15. And, never forget to call your momma bear.

I love your smile, your laugh, your dry wit, and your independent way of thinking. It is beautiful to see who you are becoming and who you will continue to become.

I love you more than any other girl in all the world, and I’ll never stop—never ever.

Love always,


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