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You Must Come

"Then the master said to the servant, ‘Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled."  Luke 14:23 "You must come!" said Bocelli, emphatically. Sharon wasn't so sure.  It was her first time in Italy.  She was a university exchange student staying in a small, beautiful town near Lake Cuomo and had gone shopping for a few items needed for the semester when she ran into Bocelli.  Sharon literally bumped into him in one of the stores, and being a friendly gentleman, he struck up a conversation with her.  It wasn't long before their shared love of all things music was uncovered. "There is a wonderful concert in the square tonight," he said.  "You must come!" Sharon hesitated.  She was tired from the lengthy travel, and if she was going to do anything, it was either resting or studying.  She had no intention or great desire to attend a concert that night.  Besides, there were sure to be other conce...

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